SGI's livestock-focused staff selects our breeding animals not only for their elite phenotype, but also for their ability to perform at a high-level in a variety of production environments. Our dual focus on selection criteria that emphasize animals that are robust in their skeletal build, and high-indexing in economically important performance traits make our boar inventory unique to the industry. Liquid semen is available on over 150 sires currently housed at SGI. Frozen semen is available on boars housed at SGI from 1981 to present, including all boars currently on inventory in our stud.
All commercial boars housed at SGI are selected from PRRS negative farms. All boars are tested prior to entering SGI's strict, quarantine-isolation facility. Boars are isolated off-site and evaluated prior to entering SGI's bio-secure facility. All boars are evaluated routinely for PRRS, PEDv, TGE, PRV, LEPTO, SVD, Bruc and TB. SGI is approved by APHIS for export to most foreign countries. SGI barn personnel and caretakers observe strict "down-time" protocol to ensure that our high health status is maintained. SGI has an animal welfare policy in place, and provides routine training for employees to optimize the care of our animals.