Peterbilt explodes onto the scene with muscle to burn! He brings the momentum to propel herds to new levels of lean value and to do so without sacrificing function or production. He packs exceptional muscle in a phenotypic form built to work and last and also offers an extraordinary opportunity for pork producers to take a long step toward genetic improvement with ultra carcass cutability. His performance figures combines with extensive and outstanding ancestral cutout data map a strategic course for produce improvement. Peterbilt's phenotype indicates tremendous meat-hog characteristics with paramount athletic flexibility. He is trim and exhibits a long forefront and bare shoulder with a loin edge that is extremely fat free and pronounced with muscle dimension. The ham and stifle is huge and bulging. His 10.32 LEA and 0.43 BF at 300 lbs chart umparalleled lean product. Five littermate boars averaged 0.42 BF with 8.46 LEA with 62.58% Lean. Peterbilt is agile, active and agrressive. The sheath is tight and his underline is sharp and tucked. Peterbilt's length of neck and side along with honest width mold a truly good-scaled boar with immense muscle volume. Peterbilt's pedigree includes the best of the Premier John, Premier Internet, Walridge Wall Street, Walridge Hamalot, Walridge Premier IV lines. His direct sire, GL5 Premier JN 154-6 is becoming a legend. Many on lookers described this $16,000 class winner and Reserve Grand Champion boar at the 1999 Indiana State Fair as the breeding on prospect of the show offering. He certainly sets the stage for progress with an impressive and supporting cast of outstanding relatives. Littermate boars to Peterbilt include the 1999 Illinois State Fair Reserve Grand Champion and third place boar that stood behind the Champion and Reserve. Another stands at stud at D and L Swine Genetics in Indiana. A littermate gilt was second top selling i Peter's offering at the :Best of the Best Sale: this past season. Peterbilt's dam was on her third parity when she farrowed this respective litter. She has averaged 11.2 pigs born alive. Peterbilt is from a litter of 14 farrowed with an adjusted 21-day litter weight of 149 lbs. Mark Peter indicates that Peterbilt's dam is one of their very best young Hampshire sows both in respect to phenotype and production. While the swine industry is speeding down a path paved with muscle, Peterbilt is a boar who reaches for umlimited product within function limits. He offers traditional durability blended with carcass-proven leanness and muscle. Propel your progress - do it explosively - use Peterbilt!
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