The A3 Farms (Adam Conover & Al Christian) Berkshire boar addition that is sired by Ooh La La 5-6.
This boar is a powerful Berkshire boar addition that goes back to a line-bred Legend sow line known for superior meat quality.
EXCITING 3-7 is durable in his build, stout in his muscle and excellent on his feet and legs.
EXCITING 3-7 is ELITE in quality.
**We have a very high quality littermate to EXCITING 3-7 as well. His SGI name is EXCITING 3-6. Due to the cold weather conditions we only pictured one of the two littermate boars, but both are elite in quality.
Our most recent Berkshire boar additions from Al Christian are some of the very best hogs that we’ve added in this breed!
For questions, more information or TO ORDER SEMEN, email or call us toll free at 800-247-3958.