Snarre is a very well designed, extremely lean boar.
He was also one of the most expressively muscled boars we observed in Sweden with extra muscle dimension down his top, a very thick-muscular rump and big, meaty hams.
He is one of the most level designed Swedish Hampshires we have encountered being extra good in terms of levelness of rump and height of tail setting.
Snarre is also a very mobile, free moving and super sound boar.
Snarre’s sire and maternal grandsire both had very good progeny test indexes of 110 and 115 with their four test groups each averaging 1.5 and 2.0% lean above the mean of all test groups.
Snarre’s dam is an extremely wide based and thick muscled sow whose progeny slaughter test group averaged 0.59 inch backfat and 64.6% lean while gaining 0.12 lb per day faster than the station mean.
His maternal granddam has been one of the very best at Snarre’s in terms of sow productivity (nine litters averaged 12.0 born and 7.8 weaned) as well as in performance and cutability of her offspring. Snarre’s paternal granddam averaged 9.3 weaned for four parities and also had a plus 1.6% lean in her progeny test group.
Snarre is by the same sire as Schnapps. Schnapps and Soren, the 1993 Swedish imports, both sired a number of barrow show winners as well as boars and gilts with extra leanness and muscle dimension.
We expect Snarre to do the same but in a better designed package.