Deep Six could be years ahead of his time. When was the last time you saw a Hampshire boar with so much height and elevation. Chances are that the boar you remember wasn’t a Hampshire of recent vintage.
His front and end screams cleanliness. He has a tremendously clean blade. His blade joins up to a long, clean neck that just promises a refined head and face. The bone work in this boar is flat and clean.
All of these indications create speculation that this boar will be the biggest Hampshire boar to stud at SGI.
His loin rolls out thick from behind his scapula and maintains that thickness as it joins his sirloin. His rib depth is ideal for his frame and his long, extended muscle pattern indicates he will add some looseness of design to some of the current “meat ball” Hampshires.
This boar is “Simply” a sire of change. There is more and more discussion in the breed about boars that are too small (Deep Six if the answer). There is discussion about sacrificing productivity and instinct (Deep Six is the answer). There are those concerned about maintaining Hampshires that are big, yet lean and muscular (Deep Six is the answer).
If you are up for a challenge, come to SGI and try to analyze this boar. He is amazingly complicated and at the same time so basic.
Deep Six is out of a litter that has generated some excitement around the country. His littermate brother is at stud in Missouri. Littermate females were highly sought after but never sold (3 gilts average: 0.39 backfat; 7.71 loin eye; 60.58% lean). These gilts were retained at the Swenson herd in Illinois destined to be future contributors to a solid program. Joss Paula 24-3 is a full sib to three of the herdsires currently standing at the Swenson farm. Eli 5-7 is a tightly linebred boar which is the result of a brother/sister mating. The mating tied together frame, muscle and production form Waldridge and Canadian lines. Daniel 2-5 appears in almost the Swenson’s entire sow herd and is a tremendous female sire. Swenson bred boars recently sired the $70,000 Champion as well as $30,000 and $11,000 boars at the 1997 Autumn Classic.
We guarantee you will either love Deep Six or hate him. There will be no “middle of the road” on this boar. Those who use him will verify that Deep Six is a boar that moved them ahead’ kept them extra-clean, and brought them back to Hampshires with additional frame and scale.