Shock Wave is the true “Mark of a Meat Hog” sire. His outstanding scan and growth figures of 149 Days, 0.38 BF and 8.55 LEA are backed by a phenotype that indicates tremendous cutability combined with paramount function.
Shock Wave is a clean, trim fronted yet wide chested, bold shouldered boar. He is a very clean topped and trim middle individual. He combines this extreme leanness with excellent spring of rib that carries down to superior natural width in his lower body cavity.
Where Shock Wave truly excels is in his style, balance and overall muscle thickness in an extra lean package. He also handles himself with the ease and agility of a cat.
When you study Shock Wave’s pedigree, you quickly understand why he is the “Mark of a Meat Hog” sire. On the top side you find After Shock; a boar purchased privately from Earnhart’s by J & K Genetics for $10,000 after the historic Indiana State Fair Sale of 1995. After Shock boasts performance figures of 158 Days/230, 0.40 BF, 7.59 LEA and combines the Waldridge Mode 1 81-1 and JSE6 Macho Man 2-4 lines. This blend of Hampshire genetics has proven to be very predictable for Earnharts. JSE1 Stuby 47-3 (146 Days/230, 0.50 BF, 8.00 LEA) who sired multiple carcass winners for Earnharts was bred identical to this mating.
Documenting his maternal heritage, Shock Wave comes from a litter of 9 born and 9 weaned. His dam has a two parity average of 9 born, 9 weaned and a 140 pound 21-day weight average. She tallies EPD’s of 0.3 NBA, 160 for 21-day Wt, 110.0 MLI and 112.3 SPI on stages. The genetic lines behind Shock Wave ranks with the very best in the breed on maternal traits. Many daughters of DPF Dual Purpose (FAX X JR6 DPF Buckshot) have been retained in the Drake sow herd for multiple litters due to their longevity and productive characteristics. JR6 DPF Buckshot ranked #2 in the nation back in 1992 & 93 respectively for backfat in the Test Station Sire Summaries.
The grandma on the maternal side of Shock Wave’s lineage is a direct daughter of WGN2 Clyde 104-5, who is the present leader of the breed for SPI (EPDs-NBA .97, LWT 4.9 SPI 143.1) according to the July 1996 AHSS Report. This particular sow has a lifetime average on five parities of 11 BA, 9.4 weaned, 149# 21-day litter weight with an SPI of 137. She is still working in the Drake Sow herd.
Shock Wave was our choice at the 1996 Indiana State Fair.
He easily fills the contemporary breeders mandate for lean and muscular seedstock. He exceeds show-ring pressure on lean selection and quality muscle expression. He is a multifaceted, high impact young sire.