Code: 423
Reg: 1551731
Price: Call for Price
CHIP 6-1
JWS G79 8-4
PWF G81 A 2-2
PWF G80 25-2
Bred by: Pete Wall & Family - Ellabell GA
Owned With: SGI
Born: 04-29-82
Teats: 12
- Many of our favorite Brink pigs have been sired by Joseph, thus, we felt we should offer our customers an opportunity to use this superior sire.
- A couple examples of his superior siring ability are the $13,000 1984 NBS Hog College Boar, who was the 1985 NBS Premier Sire and the 108-3 high selling boar at the Iowa Hampshire Test.
- Joseph is an extra-long-bodied, yet wide sprung, heavy duty boar through out with a bold shoulder, huge forearm, massive bone structure and a big foot.
- Add to this a tremendous volume of muscle over the loin, out through the rump and down into the ham combined with total body leanness, you have what we think a Hampshire boar should possess.
- Joseph has a very aggressive attitude plus superior testicular size and placement. His daughters are proving to be very productive in the Brink herd and intensive line breeding to him has resulted in superior performing individuals with no genetic defects.
- Joseph is a first class sire that has demonstrated the ability to generate better hogs whether used in the production of Hampshires or terminal cross pigs.
For questions, more information or TO ORDER SEMEN, email or call us toll free at 800-247-3958.