Code: 4510
Reg: 448416002
Price: Call for Price
JLM1 All She Wrote 64-3
DPK1 High Five 18-6
JKGM2 H JANE 111-10
GMW1 Notorious 4-6
JGR1 H Jane 1-3
Bred by: Jerold Mishler & Family-Sjipshewana, IN
Owned With: SGI
Born: 03-06-05
Teats: 15
- The co-top selling boar at $10,000 with SGI Big Northern at the 2005 National Barrow Show
- Very popular boar that definitely has extra pizzaz and the exciting profile that gets show pig enthusiasts’ hearts pounding
- Very attractive head and ears, tall fronted, extremely level topped, exceptionally long and level rump with tail cranked up high, he is a pictrue perfect
- Long bodied, yet wide sprung and thick made; hs his legs out on the corners and moves true and freely front and rear
- Premium Blend has an extremely expressive, well grooved top and added pop to the stifle and center ham regions
- With the exciting profile exceptional muscle shape and rugged structure Premium Blend brings to the table, his offspring are bound to be a premium
For questions, more information or TO ORDER SEMEN, email or call us toll free at 800-247-3958.