High country was our pick of the Hampshire litter of the year. He was the $9000 Champion EPD and Reserve Grand at the National Barrow Show. A littermate was the $10,000 Hog College Boar.
High Country was the top ranking boar on Terminal Sire Index in his contemporary group of 56 boars with a remarkable 145.1 Index while littermates ranked 2nd 3rd, 6th and 7th. The five littermate boars averaged 158 days to 230, 0.50 BF, 6.63 LEA and 137.1 Terminal Sire Index. His sire, Granite 85-5, has really stamped his offspring with his extra frame size and total body leanness. Granite 85-5 had performance figures of 139 days to 230, 0.49 BF and 7.64 LEA.
High Country’s dam is an extra big framed extremely well-designed sow that has EPDs of 0.1 for NBA and 2.29 for litter weight with a 118.5 SPI.
High Country is a long boned, big framed, extra long bodied boar. He is a long faced, long necked boar that is very level designed being particularly long and level out through his rump.
Like the whole litter, High Country has a very lean, shapely top and a thick, muscular butt. A stylish, well-balanced, heads-up boar; he is super sound with excellent flexion front and rear. High Country is a heavy yet clean boned, big footed boar with a prominent underline.
It is rare that one finds an individual with a 137 TSI let alone five littermates that average 137-1. The Hampshires staff selected High Country’s littermate to represent the breed as Hog College Boar because of the uniform excellence of the litter in performance and phenotype. They felt this litter had the genetic capacity to move the breed in the direction of bigger framed, faster growing Hampshires that will stay lean and muscular to heavy weights.