TRADEMARK just didn’t happen to be great; he was bred to be that way. He is sired by Drago, a class winner at the 1989 Iowa State Fair. Drago in turn was sired by the tremendous breeding boar TNT, the $9000 top selling boar at the 1988 Summer Conference. TNT has sired a number of outstanding individuals including the $7600 Champion Boar at the 1989 Summer Conference, the 1989 Indiana Champion Boar (Nitro at Farrer’s) and the $8200 Champion Boar at the 1990 World Expo. However, TNT has made his biggest contribution by consistently decreasing backfat in his descendants. TRADEMARK’s sire Drago, has had 3 pens tested in central test stations with the following average performance: 2.17 ADG, 148 days to 230 lb, 0.78 BF, 5.93 LEA and 237 FE. Drago sired a 1st place gilt at the 1990 Summer Conference, the Reserve Champion Boar at the 1990 Illinois State Fair and the Champion Gilt at the 1990 Autumn Classic where he was also Premier Sire. TRADEMARKS’s dam was the Hog College Gilt and $3,300 top selling gilt over all breeds at the 1989 National Barrow Show. She required 164 days to 230 lb with 0.82 BF and 6.04 LEA. TRADEMARK is from an outstanding litter that included a class winner and fourth place boar at the SW Conference as well as a "true breeding" boar (158 days, 0.72 BF, 6.67 LEA) that sold off the farm to Max McCuen. Two littermate gilts were retained at Norman’s. TRADEMARK was Norman Brothers’ favorite of the litter and because of his outstanding combination of performance, width, muscle, structure, correctness of design and underline quality was retained as a Junior Herdsire. TRADEMARK is a very long-bodied yet wide-sprung boar that has excellent shape over the top and a big thick rump and ham. He is a stout-headed, heavy-structured, thick shouldered and big-ribbed boar. He walks out with a long free easy stride and is an aggressive, heads-up boar with excellent testicle size. With TRADEMARK’s excellence of performance, phenotype and outstanding genetic linkage, we are confident that the "TRADEMARK label" will be associated with quality Spots in the 90’s.
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