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Next up on the “HOW TO” series is BOMBS AWAY.
BOMBS AWAY – Bomb Squad x Feel the Burn x Can’t Stop
BOMBS AWAY comes from one of the very best Duroc females at Lettow Showpigs. BOMBS AWAY shares a similar pedigree to the Supreme Overall Gilt at OYE (raised by Mosteller [ … ]
Next up on the “HOW TO” series is SOUL SEARCHIN.
SOUL SEARCHIN – Dirty South x Wedding Night
SOUL SEARCHIN will be new to many of you and was a Spring ’20 addition from C&C Showpigs in Oklahoma. SOUL SEARCHIN is another very impressive, barrow oriented Dirty South son that comes from [ … ]
Next up on the “HOW TO” series is JIM BROWN
JIM BROWN – Jimmy T x Man on Fire x Slats
JIM BROWN exemplifies the term masculine breeding boar. He shares the same mother as BOMB SQUAD, and has the same build, stoutness and extra features that breeder’s across the country have [ … ]
Next up on the “HOW TO” series is CHEETAH.
CHEETAH – Wedding Night x 161-3 Scared Straight
CHEETAH is another boar that possesses all of the intangibles necessary for generating elite show barrows. A common question with those interested in implementing CHEETAH into their breeding plan is…What can I expect for color? Our [ … ]
First up on the newest version of the “HOW TO” series is DECISIVE.
Check out our video of DECISIVE
DECISIVE – Dirty South x Vendetta x Swagger x No Fare x Night Train
DECISIVE caught the attention of many breeders this Spring during boar tours, and he saw heavy use across several herds. [ … ]
Next up on the SGIBoars “HOW TO” series is 5 KNUCKLE SHUFFLE.
5 KNUCKLE has been a hit on most boar tours recently. He’s got unmatched elevation, look and back shape as compared to the others in our arsenal. In fact, his muscle shape warranted a shift to gilt developer through [ … ]
Next up on the SGIBoars “HOW TO” series is BEARLY LEGAL.
BEARLY LEGAL is likely the one boar on tours that catches visitors off guard, in a positive manner. He may hold the title of being bolder in his build, stouter muscled and bigger hind legged than any other boar in [ … ]
Next up on the SGIBoars “HOW TO” series is STRAIGHT SOUTH.
We are banking on this guy being a monster generator! STRAIGHT SOUTH is a line-bred outlier that is dense, broad, comfortable in his build and show barrow oriented in his proportions. STRAIGHT SOUTH is a boar that was bred by [ … ]
Next up on the SGIBoars “HOW TO” series is BLOW.
A white exotic DIRTY SECRET sired boar that comes to us from our buddies at McKinley Showpigs in Texas. BLOW is a flat out stud. This hogs Bear x Super Monster mother looks the part of the front pasture cow. BLOW [ … ]
Next up on the SGIBoars “HOW TO” series is DIRTY BILL.
DIRTY BILL is another visually impressive boar that is super stout and burly. DIRTY BILL has had several big wins for breeders all over the country including: The Reserve Grand Barrow at ’19 San Antonio Stock Show bred by Underdog [ … ]