Word on the street is the SGI boar battery is stronger at the top, and deeper with quality than ever before!
In an effort to start new relationships with breeders that we haven’t worked with previously, and reward loyal customers that we are already serving, we will be offering $50 shipping on all showpig semen orders of $500 or greater from now through August 13th! Our current off-season pricing allows customers to purchase the majority of the boars in our stud for half of their listed in-season price on our website through the same date in August. We also offer volume pricing discounts on most boars, breed designate options, etc. Please contact an SGI sales person to discuss pricing options, AI supply needs, and to book semen today!!!
SGI Office: 800-247-3958
Nick Berry: 319-530-7553
Mike Doran: 515-230-8586
Tye Lettow: 515-290-0662